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  • jms20bky

Rowan Glen Low Fat Natural Cottage Cheese

It promised so much, yet gave so little.

Where to start, where to start. As mentioned in my previous post I am a great fan of Rowan Glen yoghurts so I was very excited to find out that they also made cottage cheese- available from Asda in Scotland, where I was over the summer (Scotland that is- I didn’t spend 3 weeks living behind the bread aisle). And it did, on the surface, look very good, A nice texture, a fantastic creamy smell, nutritionally good. I was very optimistic- But me oh my did it let itself down on taste. I was so startled and taken aback by the almost burning like sensation that it left in my throat. Initially I described it as bitter but I think it was more stinging. Either way very much not what I had expected, especially since the reviews online were apparently so good. I was almost tempted to get another tub just in case this one had gone off, or was otherwise affected in some way. To really give Rowan Glen the best chance possible I went and got a glass of water to cleanse my palette, in case something I had previously ingested was marring the taste. Nope- still the same, by which I mean not good. Trying to see some positives, it did come with a plastic lid which is always good for leak prevention. Nutritionally it was standard. 9.7g of protein. On the lower end, though not by much. This is a low Fat cottage cheese, with 1.6g of fat per 100g. This is the only plain cottage cheese sold by rowan glen as far as I can tell (feel free to correct me) so alas I have no way of knowing if one with a higher fat content would have a nicer taste. I will still try another tub next time I’m in scotland but for now rowan glen earns a pitiful 2. Such a shame when I expected so much more.*

Take it easy

Keep it cheesy

The Cottage Cheese Gal

*Alas I was unable to find where I had put the tub for this one so there is no photo to accomany the review.

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