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Rowan Glen Smoothy Yoghurt

The Yog Blog™

Now I am aware that this is not a yog blog but I thought I should take some time to reccomend Rowan Glen’s Smoothy strawberry yoghurts- before I really let rip on their low fat cottage cheese. Over most of lockdown there were 7 of us in the house so we started getting food orders in from Bidfood- a wholesalers who usually deliver to restaurants in bulk quantity but started doing home deliveries when all the restaurants were shut during the pandemic. This meant that we had access to a whole range of yoghurts which were not usually available in the supermarkets (at least in where I lived in England). These yoghurts were so good I ended up eating one pretty much every day of lockdown. They are lovely and thick with a nice taste. Crucially they are smooth so they have no bits in them, and at this time I didn’t eat yoghurts with bits in. Oddly enough I was always happy enough to mash my own strawberries into my yoghurt as a kid but I would never eat shop bought yoghurt with bits in it. But I digress. I recently tried some very low sugar yoghurt from a supermarket which was far too tart and quite difficult to finish. Rowan glen, on the other hand, was really tasty (and only 5.4g of sugar per pot). The kids fromage frais that I grew up eating, as well as many low fat yoghurts, are rather liquidy. These on the other hand were beautifully thick. They come in 85g pots which is a nice size (though I will never say no to more yoghurt).It’s not a low fat yoghurt but it might just be worth it for a yoghurt that tastes so nice. 129kcal per pot and 5.3g of protein is quite good nutritionally. My family got through A LOT of yoghurt in lockdown and ended up collecting several hundred yoghurt pots which have been variously repurposed as seedling pots and tower building blocks. Also, it turns out Rowan Glen Smoothy yoghurts are available in apricot flavour too so I definitely hope to give those a try at some point. Would also recommend Rowan Glen Low fat bio yoghurt if you’re looking for a lower calorie option. Overall I would give Rowan Glen Smoothy yoghurt a 9/10

Take it easy

Keep it Cheesy

The Cottage Cheese Gal

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