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Tesco Fat Free Cottage Cheese


Welcome to my first official review! The chronology and tense of these first reviews will be slightly off as I started videoing my reviews several months before I chronicalled them in print. Please do excuse me if I am a little hazy on the details.

I walked over half an hour to get to Tesco as my flatmate wanted some pink hooch. It was a tesco extra, which I mistakenly beleived was a small cornershop. Imagine my delight when I turn up to a superstore the size of a small village. Those who know me know that I am an absolute sucker for kitchen gadgets and implements, so, characteristically, I brought 2 nice glasses with oranges on them- as well as some orange VK. but now back to the cottage cheese reviewing. Walking down the dairy aisle I spied the cottage cheese section and my mind flashed back to the conversation of the previous night. Maybe this would be the start of a journey. I came away with a tub of Tesco low fat cheese and and some low fat cottage cheese from Gramams family dairy, whom I had not previously encountered (very exciting). With these 2 tubs in hand it seemed like this vague prospect was one step closer to beiming a reality. I got home that night and unpacked my shopping. I was going to eat one of the two tubs of cottage cheese that night. Instead of monching in the kitchen I went to my laptop and opened up the camera. The video qulality was appalling but I did it. I reviewed my first cottage cheese. The first of many to come. That video never saw the light of day and I had no real intentions of publishing that or any of my others, until the idea for a website came along (but that's a story for another day).

Now armed with a goal and place to publish all my thoughts I have commited to writing my earlier reviews.

It started off so well and yet faded somewhat.I opened the tub to a fairly standard looking cottage cheese, probably one that I had grown up eating without even registering- and it was fairland standard, not that I would expect to have my socks knocked off by a supermarket own brand low fat CC. Texture wise it was nice, with relatively large curds and a decent amount of liquid- though not too much. (Cottage cheeses which have been open for a while tend to feature a pool of liquid which forms on top). Smell wise I couldn't complain- pretty standard smell for a cottage cheese.

Nutritionally is good, with 10.1g of protein and just 61kcal per 100g. Do just watch out for the salt content as there is 0.4g per 100g. It is very low fat, with only 0.3g per 100g so if that's something you're focising on this would be good.

Taste wise: It was nice to start with, but eating a whole tub of cottage cheese really does test its longevity. My initial video ends with me giving it a 7 and saying Tesco has done itself proud. I soon found myself having to switch the camera back on for an update: a somewhat unpleasent aftertaste emerged which made it more difficut to finish. Had it been a full fat cottage cheese it may have tasted a little nicer as the creaminess tends to cover over any aftertaste. At this stage in my voyage I had never encountered the concept of cottage cheese being truly spectacular and even artisanal, let alone considered the dizzying heights of awesomeness that is Yester farm, so even my revised review of 6/10 was very generous. I have, however, since revised my ratings system so TESCO earns itsself a solid 5. Would I eat it again, yes. would I probably eat almost any cottasge cheese agian, yes.

Take it easy

Keep it cheesy

The Cottage Cheese Gal

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