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  • jms20bky

Waitrose Low Fat Cottage Cheese


The nearest Waitrose to me is a 30 minute walk away, on Angelsey. Luckily the walk down to Angelsey from where I live is quite a nice one, with a superb views looking across the Menai straits as you cross the bridge. I combined my trip to waitrose with a lovely sunny walk around Church Island, which looked amazing. This was, I beleive, my first foray into a Waitrose, so I was not entirely familliar with the protocol. I attempted to enter the store, before being told to leave as I had apparently queue jumped. The thing is, It's very difficult to see who is socially distancendly in line to get into the shop and who is just standing around in the car park. Also- side note- DO NOT force your socially distanced queueurs to stand directly over the disabled parking spaces. I felt a little stung by the high price of £1.40 but knowing Waitrose' reputation for quality I was hoping I would get what I paid for. I reckon I did. This has been by far one of the best cottage cheeses I have ever tried (Though I'm not too far into this journey yet).

A lovely texture- not too solid and dry, yet not too liquidy and sloppy. The taste was really nice. Low fat cottage cheeses tend to carry an aftertaste (as tesco did) but this was delectable. I struggled to find fault with it. It had a richness to it that I wouldn't have expected from a low fat. Nutritiionally it's quite good (but it always will be- it's cottage cheese)- with 74 kcal per 100g and 10g of protein- putting it pretty dead on average for a low fat. 1.8 grams of fat per 100g means you'll get 5.4g per tub. The taste here is what really sets it apart. A strong 8.5 out of 10. I had to take a holllistic approach to this review and given the lack of strong plastic lid I'll take it down a little. Taste wise it is definately at least a 9 but overall I'll give it an 8.5. I'm quite early on in the reviewing process so I struggled to give it a 10 as there may well be better to come.

Take it easy

Keep it cheesy

The Cottage Cheese Gal

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1 comentario

25 jul 2023

Thanks for all the reviews. I have never eaten cottage cheese in in my life before so I am very grateful for the advice :-)

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