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  • jms20bky

Waitrose Fat Free Cottage Cheese

A very passable offering overall- though highly ranked among the fat-free.

I ventured to waitrose for this. I have officially gone up-market. Zero fat cottage cheese is rarely as good as their full fat counterparts but if you're looking for a lower calorie alternative it is definately the way to go. This was definately the lowest calorie cottage cheese I had encountered so far, with 58 kcal per 100g. 10.2 grams of protein per 100 which is pretty good, with <0.5g of fat to boot. I know it's worse for the environment but I do really like it when cottage cheeses comes with a solid plastic lid, as well as the thin one that you peel off. Leaks in the fridge and spillages, as well as tubs falling from shelves make them really useful- and generally helps to keep them sealed so that nothing gets in. This one had a very distinct taste, which I have come to learn is more typical of the low and no fat cottage cheeses. It was reminiscent of when I first tried the very low fat Vache qui rit triangles and smelled almost like a cheddar. For a no fat cottage cheese it was good. It felt like it was missing some of that usual creaminess that you get from a full fat cottage cheese, which isn't surprising. Taste wise it was a little bland and could have done with a wee bit more flavour, though I appreciate that removing the fat does remove a bit of flavour.

It was very low calorie but I don't think I would go for this over a low-fat alternative. I'd rather properly enjoy my cottage cheese. Also for those of you out there who don't want to eat an entire tub, the overall calorie difference between the fat free and low fat will be smaller (21kcal per 100g) (6.3kcal per serving). On the whole, A nice 6/10. Though I will say that it is rather good for a fat free cottage cheese. Still, I'm comparing everything on one scale so fat free will always rank lower, and there's a lot of competition out there.

Take it easy

Keep it cheesy

The Cottage Cheese Gal

*I apologise for the lack of photo on this review. It will be uploaded in due corse. I managed to misplace the tubs for both this and the Waitrose Natural Cottage Cheese and after walking 40 MINUTES to buy some more they were out of stock in the exact 2 I needed.

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